Saturday 18 April 2015

You're 'not right'...

Sometimes in life you find yourself standing at a place where your existence becomes unnecessary and you see everyone and everything around to be staring at you with disgrace just for the reason of being 'not right' in their views and right in yours, there's a difference between you're wrong and you're not right,  it's always better to tell someone that you're not right rather than saying that you're wrong... You're the one to decide how you want your life to be,  where you want your life to be heading,  where you see yourself if you go with your ideas..  Never kill an idea,  may it be absurd.. Even if you are 'not right' in the views of few,  you're right in your own,  and that's what matters.......................... 

Monday 2 December 2013


we think we know life well, but life always do miracles which we can never imagine. far from your mind, life plays its own games, which you can never understand even after trying hard!
to know LIFE a little you need to understand the philosophy of life. every action of yours and your surrounding has a meaning you just need to observe and deduct what its trying to show you.
OMENS, the universal language which doesn't need words, at every step you see omens but you just see, and don't OBSERVE!